Process Dynamics
Process Dynamics Co., Inc. is a manufacturers representative specializing in Bulk Materials Handling and Process Equipment. We are proud of our long term relationship with Principals each excelling in their specialized areas of industry and expertise. Solutions provided to our customers are innovative and application specific. Located in far west Chicago suburbs to serve Northern Illinois, Northern Indiana, Eastern Iowa, Eastern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. Incorporated in 1983 by partners currently active in business today.
General Kinematics Corp.
Vibrating Conveyors and Feeders, Screeners, Fluid Bed Dryers and Coolers, Bin Activators, Orientors, Inclined V-Trough, Grinding Mills
Dings Company
Overhead Magnents, Perma Pulleys and Drums, Lifting Magnets and Grate Magnets, Solid Waste Systems, Magnetic Sweepers
Hi-Vac Corporation
Heavy Duty Industrial Vacuum Equipment, Portable, Stationary or Central Manifold Systems for Solids, Powders, Liquids or Slurries, Equipment and Leasing Programs
Intersystems Industrial Products
Automatic samplers for Solids and Liquids, Sample Collection and Automatic Delivery Systems
Redler Conveyor/Elevator, Car Pullers and Barge Handling Systems, Belt and Apron Feeders, Ship Trimmers, Ash Handling Systems, Thermal Processors
The Young Industries, Inc.
Pneumatic Conveying Systems, Rotary Airlocks, Diverter Valves, Cyclones, Filter Collectors, Bag Dump Stations, Bulk Bag, Unloading Systems, Mechanical Conveyors, Mixers, Gyro-Sifters, Stinger Feeder, Trans-Flow Aeration Products
Thomas Conveyor Company
Screw Conveyors and Feeders, Standard, Custom, High-Temperature, Bucket Elevators, Vertical Screw Elevators, Drag Conveyors, Complete Engineered Systems
Nisshin Engineering, Inc.
High Precision Air Classifiers, Air Current Crushers, Superfine Particle Crushers, Particle Mixers, Particle Coating
Industries and Territories Served:
- Chemical Processing
- Grain Processing
- Paint, Coatings & Inks
- Power & Utilities
- Recycling, C&D and Metals
- Steel and Metals Producing
- Other related heavy industries